Book Drive: Piece it Together

“Piece it, Together” – Book Drive

On October 19th, 2021, NFL Super Bowl Champaign, Kyle Arrington will launch his DC Book Tour at Statesman College Preparatory Academy School for Boys PCS!

Kyle Arrington has published a children’s book, “Piece it, Together” that focuses on teamwork, innovation, critical thinking and increasing family engagement.

The Association of Black Social Workers (ABSW) Metro DC Chapter in partnership with National Black United Front (NBUF) will be excitedly hosting a Book Drive for the students at Statesman Academy.

Our goal is to raise $2000.00 ($10/book, 200 books) for our young men at Statesman! Each donation brings us closer to gifting 200 students an autographed copy of “Piece it, Together”!

We, ABSW & NBUF, believe in building the Black community by providing opportunities that will equip children and families to be change agents. Reading is one of the ways to reach this end, and what better way than to promote a book than use someone young men look up to, an athlete!

The mission of Statesmen Academy is

“…to create a boy-friendly pedagogy-informed academic environment within which young men are equipped with the academic skills, social competencies, and personal development necessary to navigate life challenges, attend and complete the college of their choice, and return to become the premier agents of social change within and for the communities they serve.”

Will you help us help them be the change they want to see?
Please click ABSW & NBUF Book Drive to donate. Thank you!”